
Curious List

Watch: Jen Fisher’s Ted Talk on Burnout - Future of Work

Read: Susan David’s newsletter on Battling Burnout

Read: Cal Newport’s blog on his Experiments with Shutdown Routines


This episode of Coffee with Fleur sees us explore what’s meant by the term ‘burnout’, what it is, what it isn’t and why it occurs.

We look at some of the contemporary research that’s available that identifies how organisational culture and continuous change can create the systemic conditions where employee burnout occurs.

And how in this information overloaded world, if we don’t put personal boundaries in place, our busyness gives us no respite and can lead to burnout.

We open up about our own personal experiences and share the strategies and tools that have helped us to find a manageable balance between maintaining our health while also performing at a high level.

Give it a listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or below.

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Listen to full episode :


SMART work design (pt 1)


Bonus: Trip to the movies